Thursday, October 05, 2006

Advanced Nutraceuticals cashed out

Well, I don't think anyone could be as pleased as I was to lose a half-million dollars. My shares of Advanced Nutraceuticals were cashed out on Oct. 5 at $4 a share. On an anualized basis, it was 144.12% and one day short of beating Major Automotive, which was 144.21% annualized, as my best investment.

I was thinking about the comparsion with the S&P 500 and it occured to me that Berkshire Hathaway might be a reasonable benchmark to strive for:

Date      S&P 500  Delta    IRA    Delta  BRK A
12/31/02* -11.37%  42.32%  30.95%  30.18%  0.76%
12/31/03   26.38%  -1.49%  24.89%   9.08% 15.81%
12/31/04    8.99%  -2.16%   6.84%   2.49%  4.34%
12/31/05    3.00%   3.23%   6.23%   5.42%  0.81%
10/05/06    8.41%  20.51%  28.92%  17.21% 11.71%
Total Gain 36.31% 102.96% 139.27% 102.16% 37.11%
Annualized  7.49%  15.07%  22.57%  14.93%  7.64%

* First reporting date is 06/23/02
In a little over four years, I've managed to outperform both the S&P 500 and Berkshire, which astounded me. I can't imagine that will continue for the next four years however, because Berkshire is tremendously undervalued. Starting this year, some of my performance will be based on the performance of Berkshire thanks to the share I own. Also, it isn't a fair fight since Mr. Buffett and friends must allocate billions of dollars and can't invest in tiny companies like Advanced Nutraceuticals or even tinyer opportunities like going-private transactions.

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